What is the geographic experience of National Realty performing appraisals and acting as a property tax consultant?

National Realty Consultants has completed and continues to perform appraisals throughout the United States.

The same is true for property tax consulting.  We have represented properties in some 45 of the 50 states in recent years.

What are your fees for property tax consulting?

Option 1:  Performance Fee based upon a percentage of tax savings each year

Option 2:  Flat Fee per real property and per personal property account per year

Option 3:  Combination Fee – minimum fee plus a performance incentive

Option 4:  Hourly Fee

What are some of the key items relating to property taxes in Texas?

Comptroller Calendar:  https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax/calendars/deadlines.php

Valuation Date:  January 1 of each year

Personal Property Deadlines

Renditions Due:  April 1

Interstate Allocation Application Filing Deadline:  March 31

Freeport Application Late Filing Deadline:  June 15

Value Notices:  Typically April and May

Assessment Ratio:  100%

Valuation Responsibility:  County Appraisal District

Protest Deadline:  Later of 30 days following Value Notice or May 15

Protest Hearings:  Appraisal Review Board in each county

Renditions Required:  Yes for personal property; Generally not for real property, but there are times and situations to render real property.

Appeal of Appraisal Review Board findings:  Yes. with three options, each having different filing deadlines, conditions, and requirements.

State Office of Administrative Offices (http://www.soah.state.tx.us/)

Binding Arbitration

District Court

Tax Bills Available:  Typically November

Tax Payment Deadline:  January 31

